What is ICANN?


ICANN full form is Internet Committee for Assigned Names and Numbers. Internet Committee for Assigned Names and Numbers, the nonprofit organization that oversees the use of Internet domains.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is responsible for managing and coordinating the Domain Name System (DNS) to ensure that every address is unique and that all users of the Internet can find all valid addresses. It does this by overseeing the distribution of unique IP addresses and domain names. It also Checks that each domain name maps to the correct IP address.

CANN is also responsible for accrediting the domain name registrars. “Recognition” means to identify and set minimum standards for the performance of registration functions, to recognize persons or entities meeting those standards, and to enter into a Recognition agreement that sets forth the rules and procedures applicable to the provision of Registrar Services.

CANN ‘s role is very limited, and it is not responsible for many issues associated with the Internet, such as financial transactions, Internet content control, spam, Internet gambling, or data protection and privacy.

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